Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Drug AB - USE

The general use/consumption of illegal substances such as alcohol, drugs or prescription meds (just to mention a few) happens almost everywhere in the world. This habit certainly isn't a racial nor an African kind of thing but is rather, in my opinion, a general stubbornness and a serious lack of self-control, purpose, confidence, ambition and most of all a lack of understanding amongst our modern day youth. We are nowadays fortunate in that we live in a society that allows us to be independent and free, and because we are spoilt for choice in making major decisions in our lives – we often make decisions that sometimes make us vulnerable or more exposed to danger and negativity, to not only ourselves but the people close to us as well. These traits and habits ultimately derive from certain individuals who don’t possess the simple skill of overcoming temptation in order to fight and not allow temptation from all the things of this world to be in control or win over your life.  The word abuse consists of the letters ‘ab’ which work as a prefix to the word abnormal – in other words abnormal use. Our modern day youth needs to understand how drugs are nothing more than just mood and mind altering substances – that effortlessly exercise and train your body into adjusting to an abnormal functioning or regularity – that commands a negative influence into your life; breaking down and reducing your value or your life to zero or nothing, equivalent to just a useless form. We need to also understand the risks; drugs influence crime and drugs kill your ambition – unknowingly losing your connection to your soul. You're literally selling your soul to devil and losing complete focus on what your purpose is to the world and to society. You miserably are abused because the more that you smoke, the more you will struggle. Nothing positive ever comes out of being a victim of drug abuse and living life abnormally only permits abnormal behavior,  You end up feeling abused and are deprived of being the person you were destined to be - you end up not knowing whether you’re getting better or just being more and more immune to the drugs. In order to be completely focused we should at least be able to dominate or command an influence over our own lives, constantly maintaining a level eye on everything in the world and around us; this could help make constructive decisions that add more positivity into our lives. You become someone else when under the influence of illegal substances and no one ever understands someone who doesn’t understand themselves – you’ll only end up hating the person you’ve become to escape what you hated being. Honour yourself the privilege of staying true to your background, your purpose and what’s most important in your life. It’s your life, and its entirely all up to you.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Let's capture the moment

I’ve been thinking about what my first blog post for February 2019 should be and, while there’s plenty pictures to post from the holidays, for some reason I just haven’t got round to even transferring all the images from my camera to my computer. I guess work just took over and I’ve been delaying the things that make me happy as a result. Blogging is one of these things but more often than not, there’s very little time in our busy lives to dedicate to the things we truly care about. I’ve decided that 2019 is going to be that year where I put me first. The plan, which I can happily report is in motion as we speak, is to start dedicating more time to the things that make me smile and less time to the things that piss me off and make me feel like I’m delaying my own dreams and aspirations in favour of keeping those around me feeling happy and secure. It's a slow process but one that will surely bring me great reward in the long run. I'm confident it will. So, yes… While this post is overly delayed, I just wanted to put this out there. Maybe you, too, should think about making this your “ME” year. Discard your fears, take the plunge. Choose happiness.

Grind On!

You can do whatever you want to do in this world. I know because I’m a living witness”... It’s time everyday Grind takes...