Thursday, January 17, 2019

Living in a new age. In my own way.

I just got back from my birthday weekend in Durban and let me say I have in depth mixed emotions about how realisticly legalistic zulu people are. That topic thou,  will be a blog on its  own - together with my entire experience of ethekwini, north beach and of cause turning a year old. I'm only a few months since I've moved out of home and my mind has been actively spinning with thoughts of the life I lived under the influence of so many mood and mind altering substances. It’s hard having to be back to the exact same community that nearly killed me, literally. But let me tell you, Facing your “demons” is something we all have to do at some point. We must confront the things that plague us– our insecurities, shortcomings, and the sneaking suspicion that maybe we are not as good of people as we play ourselves to be. I just knew it would be best for me to leave home in order to face all my demons - head on, with the help and support of the people who love me the most. Family. If I were to somehow measure my well-being and the general state in which my life was in at the time, it would've been without a doubt been equivalent to zero or even close to absolutely nothing. I know for a fact I can't go back to doing the same things I did in the past. So I've put together a relapse prevention to help me stay fully focused on pursuing a much more meaningful existence.

This is a list of things that will possibly help me along my path.

·       Using positive affirmations

·       Staying active and focused

·       Not go into tough situations by myself

·       Start each day and end each day with a session at the gym OR any other recovery orientated activity I might have in mind

·       Talk to others about my recovery as much as I can

·       Prepare for the most challenging situations if I can’t avoid it


  1. "Use positive affirmations" this will totally change my level and state of thinking.πŸ’—

  2. I keep reading this and it's wow
